Donald Trump is America's president! Would you like to swap for Justin Trudeau instead? Follow these easy steps!
If you’re sticking to your plan of post-Trump emigration, brothers and sisters, you better pack up and bug out while you still can. Make haste to the Great White North. To Canada. Oh, Canada! Where the mountains are big and beautiful and not racist or hateful or lizard-brained …
But don’t go blind. You need to know where to go. So we’re telling you. And while many of our friendly and very decent neighbors to the north will not appreciate these recommendations, all we can say is Soary, but these are desperate times.
Here are a few dreamy spots to escape your new American Nightmare!
Banff: If you really love the mountains and can somehow avoid infection in Canada’s STD capital, this gem in the Alberta Rockies has lots to offer. Consistent snowpack, 3 resorts, endless backcountry, hot springs, and that notoriously nasty nightlife.
Revelstoke: Canadians from the east blew out Whistler long ago. So unless you like crowds, go to Revy. Located in southeastern B.C. it’s got a resort with the biggest vertical drop in North America and is squeezed between the legendary Kootenay & Monashee ranges. Powder country.
Quebec City: For the more urban-oriented expat, the classy, European vibe of this city, coupled with its long cold winters and endless supply of street spots makes Quebec a very inviting terminus for snowboarders in exile. Before you go, study the Bandwagon videos and study French.
There are lots of other places we could recommend but for now, this is it. Okay? Altight, bye. Have a nice trip. See you in 2020 if we make it that long.