Gimme: Lib x Mayhem Rocket!

It is hard to imagine a more perfect union!

I only ride one surfboard and it is shaped by the hand of Matt Biolos. He is a master. An artist in his prime. And have your snowy ears heard his name before? Oh but they should have! He’s also been designing snowboards alongside the masters at Liberace Technologies for some years now.

And now Lib x Lost have just released the Rocket. I surf a rocket. Now I want to snow one too. This is a collaboration I stand fully behind. It is not Burton x Grateful Dead or Burton x Phish.

It is cool x cool.

Gimme Bad Santa. Gimme now.

Who need snow when you got Buffalo?

Colorado is totally snow-less but you think anyone cares? It's Saturday and the Buffalo are roaming!

There is like no snow at all here in Colorado but do you think anyone even cares bro? Do you?
Hellz no! The Buffs are making it rain and the people are looooooooooving it!

Can you say “Pac-12 Championship Game?”

Can you say “College Football Playoffs?”

Can you say “Stampede the Tide?”



The state hasn’t been having this much fun since Coach McCartney was struttin the sideline.


Come for the snow. Stay for the Buffalo.


How to: Get a bad case of poison oak!

Who needs snow when you gots the itch!

Do you dislike your snowboard? Do you like to get poison oak or poison ivy and get very itchy? Do you like scratches all over your body? Do you dislike the snow? Do you like the smell of rotten leaves? Do you live in a place where it hasn’t snowed yet but gots your new board all ready and can’t wait to get rad?

Then do this!

Mission: shred from Mikhail Potemkin on Vimeo.

Seriously: What is happening here?

How do you wear your goggles? Like this? Why? Seriously.

There is a trend sweeping… certain parts of the world where people are putting their goggles on upside down. And I also don’t want us to get caught up with race here because it is beside the point.

What is important is that people are putting their goggles on upside down.



Do you know? Are they more comfortable this way? Ergonomically does it somehow make sense? Are the proportions more workable in an essentially cosmic way?



Do you know?

It was explained by a man from Malaysia that it might have something to do with nose size and that small noses let air into goggles when worn properly but wouldn’t it still be worse upside down? And Kim Kardashian has a microscopic nose and wears her goggles right side up along with all Finnish people.


Is it the mark of a secret society? A club that allows access to perks and secrets that us right siders can’t even begin to fathom?


Is it some unexplainable phenomenon that can never be fully comprehended? Like this?




Do you know?

Forecast: Las Vegas for you!

No snow in the Rockies and the experts are sweatin!

So snow hasn’t really started to fall in the Rockies yet which means you should probably go to Las Vegas and huff paint n shit or maybe Florida to get our boogie on until the storms come. The experts are getting all hopeful saying:

“This doesn’t mean at all that the winter is going to be dry,” said Klaus Wolter, a climate scientist with the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences in Boulder, Colorado.

“It’s kind of a nervousness-inducing late onset,” he said.

A lot can happen between the fall and spring, said Marlon Duke, a spokesman for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, which manages multiple reservoirs on the Colorado River.

“We’re hoping to see some good precipitation through the winter months,” he said.

But do you believe them? Maybe it’s better if erryone who lives in Colorado or Utah just goes to Shabooms instead.

Or… Nowhere. The Week is saying;

A white winter wonderland is nothing but a dream for most Americans in the Lower 48, where snow cover is at its lowest point ever for November, modern records indicate. “How unusual is this?” the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration writes. “National snow analyses have been compiled by NOAA’s National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center since 2003 and, during that time, never have the first two weeks of November shown such small amounts of snow.”

Shit, dawgs.